Career Opportunities


The Center Volunteer Fire Department has paid Firefighters/Engineers that work seven days a week from 8am through 5pm.  To apply, fill out the interest card and someone from the department will get in contact with you. Requirements for employment are NC Firefighter II, NC Haz-Mat Level I, and NC EMT-B.  Positions for employment are available in fluctuation and at the determination of the Fire Chief. 

Volunteer Applicants

The Center Volunteer Fire Department accepts applications for membership year round and encourages anyone with a desire to serve others, or just with a curiosity of what we do to come speak with one of our members and if desired enough, apply for membership with our organization. We seek men and women with strong moral fiber and a willingness to put others first.  This is a family of members, and as a member, you are part of that family.  It is hard work, but the reward of serving others greatly outweighs that difficulty.

No experience or knowledge is required of the job.  We offer in house training and have capabilities of getting members into classes needed to become a certified and qualified emergency services provider in several different areas of fire department operations if they desire.  These include fire, rescue, and medical certifications.  Upon completion and returning of your application, it will be reviewed by department staff and if approved, you will meet with the membership committee, be issued turnout gear and equipment, and placed on a probationary period.  During that period of no less than 3 months and no longer than 1 year, you will have to obtain a minimum of 36 hours of training for the department including completing a training packet provided by the department.  

The training packet provides a means for learning basic fire ground operations and procedures in which there are practical evolutions you will have to demonstrate proficiency in before advancing further.  When this probationary period is fulfilled, you will be brought up for vote by the membership at the next scheduled business meeting.  Applicants for membership must be 18 years old or older.

Current Job Openings

At this time, we do not have any openings.

How to Apply:

Anyone wishing to apply for the open position, shall fill-out the below application completely.
